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My name is Ashley Murray.

I am Ashley Murray and I am in the graduating class of 2026. I have been playing soccer for about 10 years and i mainly play left outside defender for both my Highschool soccer team and the Dallas Texans.

 Some of my most memorable experiences playing soccer have been winning 3 nations Super Copa Championships, attending the Texas TAPPS state final for soccer in 2023, and receiving new comer of the year for John Paul ll.

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Bottom Right (1)

Individual player information

Jersey #: 6
Height:  5’5
Position:  Defender
Weight: 120 lbs
GPA: 4.0
Field of Study:  Undecided
Instagram: @@ashleymurray2026
X: @almurray2008
Parent Contact:





Fun Facts About ME

Favorite food



Blue Heeler

How do you prepare for a game?

To prepare for a game I like to put my AirPods in and listen to music to get focused.

who is your favorite artist?


Favorite Color


Favorite Holday & why?

My favorite Holiday is Christmas because I love spending time with my family and all the traditions that come around Christmas.

Favorite Music

Rap Music

Favorite Sports Team

My favorite sports teams are Texas A&M women’s soccer and football. I also enjoy watching the USA women’s National soccer team.

Would You Rather....

Would you rather go undefeated in the regular season or win the championship? 

I would rather go undefeated in regular season because it means that our team has progressed and gotten better and it’s doesn’t just come down to one game. It is more about having consistency.

Would you rather play an amazing game but lose or play an average game and win?

I would rather play an amazing game but lose because although winning isn’t always pretty, it is rewarding to know that you came off the field doing your very best regardless of the outcome.

Would you rather meet your childhood sports idol today or play your sports idol in his or her prime?

I would rather play with Julie Ertz in her prime because she would be able to teach me as I played with her. It would be an unforgettable experience to be on the field with her.