Top Left (9)


Bottom Right (11)

My name is Grace Furlong.

I currently play mainly Defensive Mid and Attacking Mid on the Dallas Texans 08 ECNL. I also play on the varsity soccer team for John Paul II Catholic High School. I’ve been playing soccer for the majority of my life and I am very thankful for the the things it has taught me. I am very dedicated to my studies and I am looking forward to studying Kinesiology in college. I hope to further my academics and athletic future at a collegiate level.

I’ve learned how to speak up and stand up for myself. It has changed my mindset for the better completely. If I didn’t play soccer, I wouldn’t be as competitive as I am, I would get offended by critiques, and overall, I really do believe I would be a completely different person. This sport has taught me so much and I am so grateful for it and the experiences and friendships it has given me.

Bottom Left (7)
Top Right (10)

Individual player information

Jersey #: 19
Height:  5’6
Position:  Midfield
Weight: 127 lbs
GPA: 3.7
Field of Study: Kinesiology
Instagram:  @gracefurlong26
X: @gracefurlo61953
Parent Contact:





Fun Facts About ME

Favorite food


Favorite Animal


How do you prepare for a game?

I like to listen to music on the way to the game and drink some sort of caffeine before. I also think about things I need to do during the game in order to reach a peak performance.

who is your favorite artist?

Travis Scott

Favorite Color


Favorite Holday & why?

Thanksgiving, it’s the start of colder weather and Christmas!!

Favorite Music

I like to listen to rap or pop.

Favorite Sports Team


Would You Rather....

Would you rather go undefeated in the regular season or win the championship? 

I would rather win a National Championship 100% because it shows no matter how difficult a season was, all of the hard work and determination pays off when winning a National Championship.

Would you rather play an amazing game but lose or play an average game and win?

I would rather play an amazing game but lose. You can have many average games, but amazing games can be rare. Competing through a loss also shows how competitive and driven a player can be.

Would you rather meet your childhood sports idol today or play your sports idol in his or her prime?

I would rather play my sports idol in their prime. It would be a very cool experience playing a player I look up to and hopefully I would learn a lot from competing against them.